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Criminal record vetting resumes

Police have restarted criminal record vetting — but the process will take longer.

The Bermuda Police Service warned: “The turnaround time for processing applications, for which no issues are identified, has been extended to 15 working days.

“Applications that encounter any red flag indicators or concerns such as recent police contact, criminal cases past or current, will likely cause further delays or may not be completed until full resumption of operations can be achieved.”

The police Criminal Records Office was closed after asbestos was found in a cabinet on July 3. It has been temporarily relocated to the force’s Human Resources Department.

The Human Resources Department is next to the old location at Police HQ in Prospect.

Hours remain 9am to 3pm, Monday to Friday. Any outstanding vetting requests submitted on or before July 2, require resubmission of the original paperwork, along with the Bermuda Government issued receipt.

For further information, telephone 247-1513 or 247-1750 or e-mail vetting@bps.bm.

The BPS will no longer accept payments for police reports, clearance certificates, criminal records checks or fingerprinting from September 1,

Instead, payments will have to be made in advance to the Government Administration Building in Parliament Street.

A receipt will be issued and the pink carbon copy should be submitted to police as proof of payment with the application

People will still be able to pay through HSBC US Dollar account 010-221125-511 or HSBC Bermuda Dollar account 010-221125-001.