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Hamilton health clinic to reopen

Kim Wilson gives an update on the Hamilton Health Centre. (Photograph by Blaire Simmons)

Hamilton Health Centre will reopen tomorrow after several weeks of building repairs.

The clinic on the city’s Victoria Street has run a limited service since October after several floods and plumbing problems meant some services had to be moved elsewhere.

Health Minister Kim Wilson, the health minister, said there had been several unsuccessful attempts to resolve the problems and that work continued on the building.

She explained: “The Department of Health, management and staff, along with the Ministry of Public Works, worked together to find the cause of the continued problems and to restore operations at the Hamilton Health Clinic.

“The primary challenge is that the maintenance teams have been unable to fully repair the plumbing problems and restore the facility to minimal operations.

“Staff and management were equally concerned about the impact on our clients and the uncertainty of service provision. As a result we were able to stabilise services in relocated venues.

“There were also concerns with structural problems and repairs are under way.

“Staff and clients have become understandably frustrated. We share their primary concerns.”

Ms Wilson said that the government was “evaluating the adequacy” of the clinic and that reports on its condition were expected soon.

She added: “This will be an ongoing discussion but at this moment, the priority was to stabilise services to the public and restore the Hamilton Health Centre to be operational.”

Ms Wilson thanked centre staff for their “extraordinary commitment during difficult and challenging times” and also thanked the public for its patience.

Ms Wilson also highlighted healthcare plans set out in the Throne Speech including extended maternity leave, lower healthcare costs and the introduction of educational programmes from funds raised through the sugar tax.

Ms Wilson added: “Prospective initiatives are still being worked through. As a priority I want to ensure that local businesses add nutritional information such as calorie count and fat content to their menus so that diners can make informed decisions.”

Services available at Hamilton Health Centre from tomorrow are:

Children’s health services appointments: 278-6460.

Oral health services appointments: 278-6492.

Nutritional health services appointments: 278-6467/9.

School health services will be open for appointments in the mornings and travel clinic appointments in the afternoons.

Maternal health and family planning services will continue to be based at The Arches on Paget’s Point Finger Road until tomorrow and will return to Hamilton Health Centre on Wednesday. Appointments can be made on 278-6441.

The Communicable Disease Clinic will continue at the Lamb Foggo Urgent Care Centre in St David’s until Wednesday and will resume at Hamilton Health Centre on Thursday. Appointments can be made on 278-6442.