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Thanks but a clean sweep of UBP past is needed

Still on the periphery: our letter writer believes Craig Cannonier will lack credibiltiy as Leader of the Opposition until Jeanne Atherden and the other remnants from the UBP are done away with politically altogether (Composite photograph)

“To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven”

— Ecclesiastes 3:1

Dear Sir,

One of the most difficult things in life to witness is that of a slow death. It could be that of a person, but for the purpose of this letter I am referring to that of a political party.

The time or season of the One Bermuda Alliance and its United Bermuda Party core is over.

This comes as a great disappointment, as after several years under Progressive Labour Party rule with a whole lot of debt and controversy to show for it, the people of Bermuda wanted change and voted for a “new party”, which was the OBA.

There were many doubts as to how new it really was or, rather, whether it was merely the UBP in sheep’s clothing. They had a very difficult task to undertake to reduce Bermuda’s debt left to them by the PLP and they made some strides and did some good in their one term. However, many of their members were out of touch with the public. I find it no coincidence that many of those members I have in mind were former UBP MPs.

I see the headlines today (Royal Gazette, September 20) that Cannonier may be put back as leader. He did very well to galvanise the public, but I fear he is an easy target for people to attack owing to him stepping down over the “Jetgate” issue, although rumours abound as to if he was merely a scapegoat for that.

What I feel needs to happen is a departure of those members that were UBP. Their time has come. They have served Bermuda, and some have done so well, but their time to step aside is now.

Bermuda needs new faces and ideas in touch with modern thinking. This also goes for some faces in the PLP.

Bermuda also needs to make steps to slash its bloated political system. We are grossly overgoverned. There is absolutely no need for so many politicians to sit in the House sucking up taxpayers’ money, along with all the GP cars and such.

This also can be used towards paying down our debts.

Yes, the time has come for Bermuda to mature politically.

