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Swizzle staff come to the rescue

Dear Sir,

Again, praise where it is due. On our way home tonight (October 13), we saw a young American tourist shoot across the road from Swizzle Inn on South Shore into the bus stop just opposite.

The Swizzle security gang could not have been more responsive. They picked her up, brought her back to sit down, gave her water and calmed her down.

The manager took her rental bike keys and said she could collect them after 10am. We were heading her way, so put her in our car and took her “home”.

With the recent Drive for Change campaign against drink-driving, I thought they did an amazing job. They drove off, located her partner, who had no idea she had not followed, came back, gave us the address and we drove her back.

Morgan from South Carolina, I’m glad that Swizzle was able to come to your rescue and I’m glad we could get you home safe and sound — I’m sorry about all the questions from my young son, “Did you break your leg? Is your head OK? Ahh, can I hold your hand?”

As a Cada-trained person, I am proud to see the response to The Royal Gazette campaign among other supporters, and I commend the Swizzle staff for doing all the right things.