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Post office frustrations more than a senior moment

Dear Sir,

Being a senior, I sometimes forget things and on Saturday, for the second time recently, went to the main post office to access my post office box, only to be again reminded of the recent and somewhat asinine policy of the post office to lock the doors to the postbox area at the weekends.

Another senior was just before me and, from the look on his face, was obviously as frustrated as I was.

I have used the postbox for about 40 years, but, having been retired for several years, have recently found it impossible to park anywhere near the post office during the week and so weekend visits were necessary for me to get to the postbox.

Now this is not possible.

Surely, with today’s technology, the post office can come up with a way for postbox holders to access their postboxes at the weekend. A swipe card or something similar. Or perhaps a key to the door. Or leave the door open and have security. Something.

