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Congratulations to the BUT

Hundreds of teachers and community members march to City Hall to celebrate the BUT’s 100th anniversary (Photograph by Blaire Simmons)

Dear Sir,

I am someone who reads The Royal Gazette daily online, and I smiled as I read the heading “BUT celebrating 100 years of fighting for education” in today’s paper (January 31, 2019).

On my arm at this very moment is a watch gifted to me by Doris Corbin, well before her passing, whose dial indicates it was issued at the 90-year mark in the life of that union. It is the watch I wear daily and with pride.

I was never a teacher in Bermuda, but my mother, Helen Somarsall, was from 1947 to the year before her death in 1964.

I myself came late to the profession after working in insurance for the first five years after graduating from university. But then I had a successful career teaching senior high school and junior college mathematics for 26 years before taking early retirement.

In retirement, I have used the same well-honed skills to teach things as varied as haute couture sewing techniques, how to do cryptic crosswords, and English as a second language.

I wish the BUT every success in its continuing efforts to make education in Bermuda the best it can be.


Quebec, Canada