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Education system has quite a few issues to sort out

Dear Sir,I read with considerable interest the contribution from Peter Everson and Robert Stewart in The Royal Gazette of February 18, 2020 regarding the need to fix our education system. They are right, but they seem to be missing vital parts of the picture.To start with, the education system is faced with an increasing number of students who arrive at school with emotional, psychological and behavioural patterns arising from their home and societal situations, and which are often beyond their teachers’ training or ability to address in the classroom setting.This seriously affects not just those children, but also their peers who are disrupted. This is a problem that must be fixed by our society, and not just left to the schools.That is just the front-end problem. At the other end, we already face the situation which Mr Everson foresees: our successful students are returning from university, having graduated with good degrees in business or some associated area, and are being told by international business, “Sorry, we are not hiring.” It seems that even if our education system produces students with the right qualifications, they still cannot get jobs here, so the end result is that many of the more enterprising ones decide to head off to another country that offers better prospects. It is no good bemoaning the lack of qualified Bermudians if we cannot employ them when they return.It is not just education that needs fixing, it is societal attitudes to education and the stimulation of the economy to provide more jobs.JOHN MORBEYSmith’s