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BVO app launches ‘proximity marketing’ tool

Ivan Outerbridge: founder of the BVO app (Photograph Supplied).

“Bermuda’s Very Own” app is about to relaunch with additional services.

One new feature is Signal, a smart mobile advertising tool using proximity marketing.

Ivan Outerbridge, creator of the app said Signal allows information about business services or events to be sent to nearby mobile devices.

“The notifications will entice users to click for more information or offers and deals from the promoters and businesses,” Mr Outerbridge said. “The notifications can also show images displaying the offer with a call to action.

“This service provides additional marketing of events to users’ phones and devices and also offers event promoters, in addition to their traditional advertising streams. Signal can add to those avenues,” Mr Outerbridge said.

The service could also advertise to patrons at an event, he added.

“This is a huge plus for their sponsors and this has never been done before where a corresponding website that promoters can enter their own events and be approved,” he added.

Mr Outerbridge created the app, BVO (Bermuda’s Very Own) four years ago.

The app originally offered a range of services such as event promotions, SMS messaging with event updates and information, banner ads, business directory listings, and a fun photo booth where users can add stickers and frames to their images.

Mr Outerbridge also mentioned that the app will introduce a new sleek look.

“I hope everyone will like this. We are streamlining some features that were not popular,” Mr Outerbridge said.

He added that overall he has received positive feedback since launching the app.

“My only drawback has been that I still haven’t figured out how to make it gain more attraction, so it is buzzing island-wide,” Mr Outerbridge added.

For more information visit http://www.ivanouterbridge.com/signal or email:signal.bda@gmail.com