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AS Cooper to close children’s department

Space available: the children’s department on the second floor of AS Cooper & Sons’ main store on Front Street is to close. Once vacated, after a weeklong sale, the space could be leased for retail or small offices. AS Cooper will continue to operate the Front Street and third floor retail areas (File photograph)

AS Cooper & Sons is to close the second-floor retail space at its main store on Front Street.

It will continue to operate the ground floor, where it sells cosmetics, jewellery and home items, and also the Reid Street level third floor, which features the women’s designer clothing department.

The department store has decided to close the second floor, which is focused on children’s clothing, and is holding a sale this week, ending on May 5, to clear its remaining stock.

“For the last few years, the second floor of our main store business on Front Street has housed our children’s wear, juniors and Missy ladies departments,” said Somers Cooper, managing director of AS Cooper.

“While late last year we had planned to exit the juniors and Missy business, we wanted to continue with our children’s business, but unfortunately have not been able to find a suitable smaller location to relocate.”

Three staff affected by the change will be relocated to different areas of the AS Cooper & Sons business.

It is three years since the children’s department moved into the main store. It was previously in its own dedicated shop, opposite the Hamilton ferry terminal, before that location became a Vineyard Vines clothing outlet.

Starting tomorrow and ending on Sunday, AS Cooper is holding a “Bye for now” sale on the second floor of its Front Street store that will feature savings of up to 75 per cent.

What will happen to the second floor once it is vacated is not yet known, although one suggestion is that it could be repurposed as small offices.

Mr Cooper said: “The landlord is open to overtures to lease part or all of the 7,500 square foot space for retail or offices. The space includes the Front Street balcony and a wonderful view of Hamilton Harbour.”