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Front Street eateries close for renovations

Renovation zone: Port O Call and Pearl have been temporarily moved while renovations take place (Photograph by Blaire Simmons)

Hamilton restaurants Port O Call and Pearl have closed for renovations, but habitués of the Front Street favourites need not despair.

Port O Call, the fine dining eatery with a Wine Spectator award-winning wine list, and the sushi restaurant located upstairs from it at 87 Front Street, have both been temporarily relocated to sister restaurant, Bistro J, on Chancery Lane until further notice, according to notices posted at the boarded-up restaurants.

Bistro J, the notices say, will serve both the Port O Call and Pearl menus. The Pearl menu will also be available for takeout.

The Port O Call bar has also moved. Customers are invited, another notice says, to quench their thirst at Yours Truly, the speakeasy-like cocktail bar that is found behind a red door on Chancery Lane.

Port O Call, Pearl, Bistro J and Yours Truly are part of the Yellowfin Group of establishments that also include restaurant Ruby Murry’s, English pub-like Astwood Arms, and Ten Cafe and Bar.

Efforts to reach Yellowfin management yesterday were unsuccessful.