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Students encouraging culture of volunteering

Waves of Gratitude, Somersfield Academy student team: Tatem Brewer, left, Gregg Mwangi and Grayson Toogood

Waves of Gratitude is made up of Somersfield Academy students Gregg Mwangi, Tatum brewer and Grayson Toogood. They will be writing over the next few weeks to bring awareness and celebrate volunteers in Bermuda. Below is their first article.

Hello Bermuda,

If you are a student, parent or member of the community looking to learn more about volunteer opportunities, you won’t want to miss out on our weekly column — Waves of Gratitude.

We are Tatum, Gregg and Grayson, three M3 students from Somersfield Academy who have come together to create a group that celebrates Bermuda’s volunteers and highlights ways that young people like us can get involved.

The three of us have a range of hobbies and interests, but share a sense of gratitude for all of Bermuda’s volunteers and believe that volunteering unites us.

Our group was created when the three of us were assigned a school project where we had to help our community in a meaningful way. We didn’t know what volunteer opportunities were available to young people, so we decided to make that our mission to discover.

We will explore many volunteering options and put together a weekly column for you to read hoping that you’ll find an opportunity that is interesting to you.

Over the next weeks, we will be volunteering at nine different charities and reflecting on our experiences and perspectives. We will be interviewing the organisations’ members and finding out what each charity is all about, how it helps the community, and how you can become more involved with charitable work in Bermuda.

If anyone has questions, comments, or suggestions about our work, please e-mail us at wavesofgratitudebda@gmail.com Let’s go, Bermuda!